License Plates: Way More Interesting Than You Thought

Remember when there were, like, NO cars? Yeah, neither do we. But in 1900, owning a car was a rich-person flex. Governments realized they needed to track who owned what, hence the first license plates

Iconic Cars That Reshaped the Automotive World: From Beetle to Tesla

Cars changed the world, period. Some were flashy, some were basic, but they ALL made their mark. Here's the ultimate list: 1. The OG People's Car: Volkswagen Beetle: Love Bug, Herbie, whate

Tips & Tricks
The Mid-Grade Gasoline Myth: Don't Get Pumped by the Scam!

Okay, here's the deal with mid-grade gasoline: it's one of the biggest scams in the car world. Most of us have stared at the pumps, wondering if we're cheaping out on our cars by getting r

Charge Through History: The Forgotten Early Electric Vehicles

Forget thinking electric cars are some brand-new invention. Turns out, folks were plugging in way back in the day! Batteries haven't always been awesome, so a lot of these early EVs were kinda...w

2024 Classic Car Investment Guide: Hagerty's Top Picks for Profit and Pleasure

So, the classic car market kind of stalled out in 2023. Who knows what'll happen this year, right? But one thing's for sure – if you're into those sweet vintage rides, Hagerty's

Tips & Tricks
Winter's Wrath on Your Car Battery: How to Keep Your Engine Humming

Listen, if this cold snap has your car sputtering to life in the mornings, you're not alone. Car batteries absolutely despise freezing temperatures, and it's not just about not wanting to get

The Moose Test: A Critical Maneuverability Test for Cars

Oh, the Moose Test! Let us tell you about this quirky-sounding thing that's actually super important for your car. What’s This Moose Test Anyway? Imagine you're driving and suddenly

Rev Up Your Consoles: 2024's Must-Play Racing Games

What's up, racers and gamers? 2024 is here, and it’s bringing a whole new level of excitement for us gaming petrolheads. Forget those New Year's resolutions about less gaming – the

Cars We're Saying Goodbye to in 2024: An End of an Era

You know how every year we get excited about the new models hitting the roads? Today, besides getting excited about novelties, let's take a moment and think about the beauties we won't be

Why the U.S. Missed Out on Mercedes Pickup Party

Have you ever wondered why you've never seen a Mercedes-Benz pickup cruising down U.S. highwayS? Yeah, Mercedes has its very own pickup – the X-Class – but it's like they thre

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